Blimeying Heck!! Hansel und Gretal!! Howard und Hilda! Jings Crivens help ma Boab!!!!! Geeze whiz!!! OMG !!!! WOOOOPIE!!!!
only 49 days until WOMAD UK 2023 !!!! Oh my!! OH MY!!
(Confirmed by Nigenet and Purpledawn ticks another day off on her calendar)YAY!!!!!
KeEp TwInKliNg aNd TwIrLiNg AnD SpArKliNg AnD FiZzIng AwAyWomadtastic is a fabulous word!!
Fabulous is a WOMADtastic word!! Yay!!
The early birds have hatched, flown the coup and are now sold out.
7 weekends until WOMAD uk 2023
Womad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has been and was glorious
WOMAdelaide Has been wonderful
WOMAD New Zealand has been wonderful too
WOMAD Chile is in recovery
WOMAD Mexico is having a siesta but has set it's alarm clock
WOMAD Caceres has just finished
1 day until WOMAD head to Rome for the first time!!!
The first forum was all backwards but the WOMAD IT Pixie got us back to normal until the GREAT ISOLATION of 2013/14 luckily we're all back together (apart from the weekend break in June 15 and the forum holiday at WOMAD Fuerteventura in November 2015) We moved to a shiny new forum on the 04/02/16 and the original countdown thread had reached 21540 reply's and 2154 pages! However the new shiny forum didn't work out so we went to the Full Moon Pub and we love it here
25 days until the next day/night full moon depending one where you are on the planet
105 days Autumn equinox
208 until the Winter solstice
Spring equinox has sprung
14 days until the Summer solstice
1 day until tomorrow. (Another day closer β yet it never seems to come)
1 days until Bacon Butty Friday (other butties and Fridays are available) but what colour is your sauce and brown, red, yellow or white? (Depends on the curry and the company, Cheeky! - Saucy, even!)
132 days until Musicport lets down it's new sails
Celtic Connections is officially resting and recuperating
Santa's sack is empty and he's back at the north pole having a snooze
The eyebrows have been shaped for one last time then reset with a Scottish accent?!?!?!?!?!
THE SUN IS STILL HERE (hopefully it will be around for a few billion WOMADs) YAY!!! YAY!!!!YAY!!!! (Can't see it, mind)
What will you have in your hip flask or flasks and is your hip flask big enough for Warrior?
Don't talk to strangers...unless they're really strange!
Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real
Don't forget to wear sunblock
Don't cut the red wire
Keep your wellies dry on the inside
Never spit at a camel
Don't be gay (or democratic) in Russia (and don't swear!)
Never boil a kettle - it doesn't bubble as much as water.
Age is only important to cheese and wine and historians
Badgers aren't to blame
Don't let the hamsters nest in your mouth over night
If you take your teeth out at night, remember to get them home by 10.00pm!
Wear red and a large face bush when you're on Winterwatch Unsprung
When all at sea hang onto a floating island
In space no one wants to sneeze
Vote Hamster
Hug a Beaver!
Don't wave blue lights behind the back of police office
Wave a flag in front of a stove pipe hat
Vote Bob
Eurovision is best enjoyed on the WOMAD forum
Twitter power keeps the forum online
I don't get this Euro debt crisis - it's all Greek to me!
Mud is good for the skin
What will be this years WOMAD fashion must have wellies or sofas?
May the Forum always make it's Moderator smile and join the WoMaDnEsS
Lines in the sand should always be heart shaped
make Jam not war
you can never have too many bubbles
don't lock your sister away on a secret island prison
Always keep your countdown up to date
Bring a spare pair of socks
A stool isn't just for WOMAD
Don't be late for the cheese and port party
Take the knee
never compare the size of your big red buttons
Always hide your glowsticks from security
Never be afraid to ask a question
retain your boarding passes
Everything comes home eventually
You can have too much cheese
watch out for the guy ropes
beware of Gran Canarian mojitos
don't vote for the stupid people
Vote for Larry the cat
read all the paragraphs
Take back control and vote
Don't panic buy
Don't follow Donald Trump's advice
Don't drive to test your eyes
Wear a Face covering
Don't wear your work ID when you storm government buildings
2 jabs are better than one but one jab is a bit better than none
Hands, Face, Arse = good bye
When your cat tells you it time to resign, fecken resign
Don't forget your sporran
WOMAD isn't just for the summer it's for life (Always good advice- THE best advice)